Friday, December 4, 2009

The Giver- Word Choice for Imagery

A lot of the imagery in this book was unknown of to Jonas before he recieved the memories. That is why I chose to write about the word choices used when he reflects on these images. My first emample is that of colour. Jonas has never heard of colour before and when he starts to see it, he doesn't understand how to explain it. "Then, today, just now, outside, it happened with my friend Fiona. She herself didn't change, exactly. But something about her changed for a second. Her hair looked different; but not in its shape, not in its length. I can't quite-' Jonas paused, frusterated by his inability to grasp and describe exactly what had occured." (pg. 91) What Jonas is seeing is the colour red, but because he had never seen or been taught about colours because the community does not see colours he does not understand what he is seeing. His capability for him to see colours symbolizes his ability to see beyond and shows that he is different and more perceptive than others in his community.
Another example of imagery in this book is the feeling of love. In The Giver, Jonas learns of love and family. He learns about this through the Giver's favorite memory. " On the floor there were packages wrapped in brightly coloured paper and tied with gleaming ribbons. As Jonas watched , a small child began to pick up the packages and pass them around the room: to other children, to adults who were obvioulsy parents, and to an older, quiet couple, man and woman, who sat smiling together on the couch." (pg. 123) Lois Lowry used the holiday of Christmas to represent love and family. After Jonas receives this memory he is confused as to why there are old people there, and he then learns of grandparents. "What did you perceive?' The Giver asked. 'Warmth,' Jonas replied, 'and happiness. And- let me think. Family. That it was some celebration of some sort, a holiday. And something else- I can;t quite get the word for it.... I certainly liked the memory, though. I can see why it's your favourite. I couldn't quite get the word for the word for the whole feeling of it, the feeling that was so strong in the room.' 'Love,' The Giver told him." Because Jonas had never felt such a strong feeling as love he had no such reason to use the word, but now that he felt it and knew what it felt like, he knew that he loved people in his life, including his family, his friends, and The Giver.

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